Voice & Messaging Solution brief
Seamless Communication Anytime, Anywhere for Maximum Convenience
TM offers a wide range of proven solutions for Voice Solution, Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS and Person-to-Application (P2A) SMS. As communication tools continue to evolve, so must the underlying network and interconnectivity that power them. Businesses can benefit from voice solutions that are simple and efficient to support varied environments.
Messaging is an easy-to-use mobile communication service. A2P SMS is one of the simplest and most effective ways to send notifications from an application to a mobile recipient. The user can also send SMS to applications, which is known as Person-to-Application (P2A). It’s a straightforward process with zero hassle involved, which offers seamless and interactive customer experience.
The market for Voice Communications is growing significantly on a global basis, thanks to the development of technologies like cloud, mobility, and Big Data. Customers require faster response time to offer customised routes and pricing. Customised routing, proactive monitoring, and traffic rerouting will essentially help businesses run their operations.
Messaging has an important role in the mobile ecosystem. The market growth continues to accelerate due to continuous developments in customer communication solutions. It is driven by factors such as the increasing preferences of enterprises for mobile engagement platforms, the increasing number of mobile subscribers, and the growing trend of mobile marketing via messaging.
There are several restrictions placed on enterprises, SMS aggregators, and MNOs in sending messages to their customers. Each country has different regulations and guidelines that need to be complied with. The degree of rules and regulations varies from country to country.
We provides voice & messaging service to international and businesses with reliable, direct and secure to reach their destination, with enabler for 500++ operators worldwide in single connectivity and multiple types of interconnection
International voice destinations
International voice minutes handled
Application-to-Person (A2P SMS)
Person-to-Application (P2A SMS)
Bilateral Voice
Accelerates customers' business growth with strong and stable connections to over 62 countries, enabling the highest quality and clarity of voice termination with established inter-carrier arrangements.
Hubbing Voice Services
Offers Standard and Premium hubbing services, with various routing and pricing options to ensure the best combination of quality and price ratio.
TM Local Number Solution (LNS)
Enables call communications by providing Malaysian numbers to end users of Carrier over an IP network.
TM Wholesale VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
Equips users with cost-effective communication solutions without compromising the quality of the calls.
Provides users access to a huge number of mobile networks with just one connection and one single contract.
A selection of resourceful downloads for your convenience.
TM Global recently served as a Technology Partner alongside MRH Digital for the YAB Menteri Besar Perak Cup Esports tournament.